Visiting Tamansari The Nice Water Castle

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Tourism of Indonesia

Ready to Go to Tamansari The Nice Water Castle

Planning to go on a tour or travelling, we definitely want a smooth trip, comfortable accommodation, cheap hotels, good food, cheap plane tickets, close to everywhere, and can rent a motorbike or car.


In Tamansari The Nice Water Castle, there is natural beauty and unique culture of the local community. There are many uniqueness, starting from the village (desa), sub-district (kecamatan), district (kabupaten) and provincial levels.

In Indonesia, each province has different and interesting characteristics. Each province has a different and unique culture and lifestyle.

When we visit Kraton, we should not miss The Water Castle or known as Tamansari, less than 1 Km west of Kraton. Just west of the Kraton, there are the ruins, pools, arches and underground passages of the former pleasure gardens.

It was built in 1758 by Sultan Hamengkubuwono I as a rest house and pleasure park for the Royal family. Tamansari means beautiful garden. It was badly damaged due to an earthquake in 1867. Some parts of it, for instance “Umbul Binangun” bathing pools have been restored.

The government is taking good care of the preservation of nature and maintaining the condition of the forest.

The environment is also well maintained.


Visiting Tamansari The Nice Water Castle, we will witness routine community activities in unique traditional cultures. And there are special dishes and food as part of culinary tours that are delicious and yummy.

Upon seeing the ruins of Taman Sari, some cultural experts say that it has multi purposed functions, such as:

1. A Rest house, in the form of water castle with beautiful park. The air is fresh due to:

  • Artificial lakes and canals
  • Bathing pools
  • Large gardens with several kind of varieties of trees

2. A place for sport and entertainment

  • Boating and swimming
  • Deer hunting
  • Classical dance Bedoyo and Srimpi
  • Gamelan music

3. A place for meditation

4. An important palace and shelter for the Sultan. It was well protected. It had 2 Bastions with 12 and 6 Cannons.

The Castle divided into two (2) complexes. They are:

1. Umbul Binangun – swimming pool complex

It is the swimming pool where only the Sultans women can frolic. In this complex only woman employees serve the Sultan. Theres also a three story tower, with Sultan private bedroom stands south of the swimming pool and The Sultans private bath-pool is behind the tower.

Somewhere in the south part of the palace, there is a special place, believed to be Sultans meeting place, from time to time with the Goddess of the South Sea, Kanjeng Ratu Kidul.

2. Pulo Kenongo – Complex

Pulo Kenongo, the Palace of Kenongo Island was found in the middle of Segaran Taman Sari. (Taman Sari artificial lake, which was connected by water canal to the other artificial lake nearby the kraton) Kenongo is a name of flower trees planted in the front yard, where the fragrance spread out in the palace.

Just like in a palace, there were living rooms, bedrooms, rooms to make Batik, a hall to perform classical sacred dance of Bedoyo and Srimpi, gates and sentry-boxes guarded strongly by the palace soldiers.

In this place there are also regular events or activities held every year, both national and international.


The journey to Tamansari The Nice Water Castle is now very easy. We can enter through various modes of transportation.

Access to go to Tamansari The Nice Water Castle:

In Yogyakarta, there are two ways to visit this place. The one is through Pasar Ngasem Bird Market, just go inside and find an alley called KP III, turn left, walk about 200 m, there is the Pulo Kenongo rest house complex.

The other is through Jalan Taman Sari, from Pasar Ngasem, go by becak to South Square, around 0,5 Km turn right, there is the East-main Entrance, leads the way to the Royal Swimming pools.

The condition of the infrastructure is getting better. Starting from highways, airports, trails, ports, bridges, stairs, even some places can be reached by toll roads.

We can visit by plane, car, ship, bus, motorcycle and bicycle. At some point, we can take the train. We can also walk freely.


In Tamansari The Nice Water Castle, as technology getting better. We can easily find locations for mini markets, shops (warung kedai), Money Changer, ATMs, Bank BRI BCA BNI Mandiri, BTPN Bank Nagari BJB, supermarkets, and restaurants. So we will not starve or lack the necessary items.

Suggestion Before Visiting Tamansari The Nice Water Castle:

  • No traveler is allowed to take picture of Sultan private bedroom at Umbul Binangun – Swimming Pool Complex.
  • For short distances you can take a becak (pedicab) to drive you around.
  • Some drivers offer you a city-tour for almost a whole day for 10.000 Rp per person.
  • Dress comfortably. Wear sneakers and a hat, the temperature in Yogyakarta is quite high. Bring along an umbrella, in case of rain.
  • When visiting Kraton or Taman Sari, avoid wearing shorts or mini-skirts. Your pants or skirts should be long enough to cover your knees. This conveys the message that you understand the local customs. And the locals will also respect you more.
  • Bring along a camera to capture the memorable moments. You are allowed to take pictures in this site with a minimum fee.

If you are sick and need help, you can also visit clinics, drugstore pharmacies (apotek), practice doctors, hospitals, and health centers (puskesmas).

In this place we can also look for places of worship such as mosques, churches, and others.


Finding place to stay in Tamansari The Nice Water Castle is very easy. We can stay at home stays, hotels, inns, hostels and other places.

To get lodging at a cheap and definitely comfortable price, please see below:

Experience and Reviews

There are already many visitors have visited Tamansari The Nice Water Castle, there are many interesting stories that are told. Like feeling satisfied, happy, wanting to come again, sleep well, and almost no one is disappointed or complains to come here.

So, visitors will find out on how to find the best hotels, where is exactly located, why it is amazing, how much is the fare and rate, who are the people, whom to ask, and when is the best time to visit.

We can visit these tourist attractions from Tanjung Pinang, Tanjung Redep, Tanjung Selor, Tapak Tuan, Tarakan, Tarutung, Tasikmalaya, Muara Bungo, Muara Enim, Muara Teweh, Muaro Sijunjung, Muntilan, Nabire, Negara, Nganjuk,

That’s all the information we provided, hopefully useful.

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