Visiting Mount Palung National Park, The Habitat of the Orangutan

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Tourism of Indonesia

Ready to Go to Mount Palung National Park The Habitat of the Orangutan

Planning to go on a tour or travelling, we definitely want a smooth trip, comfortable accommodation, cheap hotels, good food, cheap plane tickets, close to everywhere, and can rent a motorbike or car.


In Mount Palung National Park The Habitat of the Orangutan, there is natural beauty and unique culture of the local community. There are many uniqueness, starting from the village (desa), sub-district (kecamatan), district (kabupaten) and provincial levels.

In Indonesia, each province has different and interesting characteristics. Each province has a different and unique culture and lifestyle.

Mount Palung National Park lives on the island of Borneo, in the Indonesian province of West Kalimantan, north of Ketapang and east of Sukadana.

The park is notable for its diversity of habitat types, ranging from mangrove and freshwater swamp forest, to lowland alluvial (empran bench) forest, to montain forest, and for its diversity of wildlife. It is one of only a handful of parks in the world where orangutans can be seen in the wild.

Located on the border between Ketapang and North Kayon in the province of West Kalimantan, Mount Palung National Park is one of the largest national parks in Indonesia.

Officially open to the public in 1990, Mount Palung National Park covers a total area of approximately 90,000 hectares containing many animal species including birds, mammals, as well as many rare floras.

The main attraction of the national park is the undisputed ruler of the Borneo rain forests:  the orangutan (Pongo satyrus). These rare and unique primates find their playground safely protected behind the thick trees in the jungles of Mount Palung.

Gunung Palung National Park is a nature conservation area with very high biodiversity value and a variety of ecosystems, including mangrove forest, swamp forest, peat swamp forest, freshwater swamp forest, lowland tropical forest and montane forest, always shrouded in mist.

This Park is the best and most extensive Dipterocarp tropical forest in Kalimantan. About 65% of the area is still primary forest, undisturbed by human activity, and it is rich in plant and wildlife communities.

An encounter with these gentle and friendly giants on their own turf will provide an insight into how orangutans live their daily life in the wild.

An estimated 2,000 orangutans inhabit the area, roaming the land from the heart of the jungle all the way to the peat lands on its outer rim.

Other peculiar faces of this jungle are the uniquely long-nosed proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus). Along with the orangutans, the proboscis monkeys are among many of the endemic species inhabiting Mount Palung National Park.

Other animals that also dwell in the jungle of Mount Palung are the land squirrels (Lariscus hosei), forest deer (Muntiacus muntjak pleiharicus),

Also honey bears (Helarctos malayanus euryspilus), beruk apes (Macaca nemestrina), klampiau(Hylobates muelleri), lemurs (Nyticebus coucang borneanus), rangkong badak (Buceros rhinoceros borneoensis), kancil (Tragulus napu borneanus), forest chicken (Gallus gallus), enggang gading (Rhinoplax vigil),

Also Siamese Crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis), Ivory turtles (Orlitia borneensis), penyu tempayan (Caretta caretta),  and the rare canary squirrels.

Similar to other forests in West Kalimantan, Mount Palung National Park is decorated with various species of flora including: jelutung (Dyera costulata), ramin (Gonystylus bancanus), damar (Agathis borneensis), pulai (Alstonia scholaris), rengas (Gluta renghas),

Also Ulin woods (Eusideroxylon zwageri), Bruguiera sp., Lumnitzera sp., Rhizophora sp., Sonneratia sp,the strangler  ara, and many herbal plants.

The government is taking good care of the preservation of nature and maintaining the condition of the forest.

The environment is also well maintained.


Visiting Mount Palung National Park The Habitat of the Orangutan, we will witness routine community activities in unique traditional cultures. And there are special dishes and food as part of culinary tours that are delicious and yummy.

The special flowers found in this national park are the exotic black orchids (Coelogyne pandurata). These tropical beauties can easily be found near the Matan River especially in the months of February to April when many are in full bloom.

As a National Park, the significance of  Mount Palung Park is not only limited to the country, but also to the rest of the world as  its diverse flora and fauna  act as one of the earth’s richest bio-diverse ecosystems.

There are at least 7 types of vegetation found within the Mount Palung National Park, they include mangrove forests, swamp forests, alluvial forests, tropical lowland, tropical highland forests, and sub- alpine forests.

Being a place of such importance, Mount Palung National Park is dubbed by many as Kalimantan’s “Eden” as it features such a wide variety of colorful flora and fauna.

From the exotic Black Orchid to the gentle orangutans, Mount Palung National Park is unmistakably the main gate into Borneo’s tropical wilderness.

There are many interesting locations and activities:

  • Pulau Datok Beach and Lubang Tedong hill: marine tours and swimming.
  • Mount Palung (1,116 m asl.) and Mt. Panti (1,050 m asl.): climbing, waterfalls, observing plants and animals and camping.
  • Cabang Panti: research centre complete with a research station, accommodation and a library.
  • Matan and Simpang Rivers: kayaking/canoeing, observing animals and historical sites.

In this place there are also regular events or activities held every year, both national and international.


The journey to Mount Palung National Park The Habitat of the Orangutan is now very easy. We can enter through various modes of transportation.

Access to go to Mount Palung National Park:

From Jakarta or Kuching, it is approximately about a 75 minutes flight to Pontianaks airport.  From there, it’s another hour’s flight to reach Ketapang Airport.

Ketapang is the starting point to make the two hour overland journey to Sukadana, which is the entry point to Mount Palung National Park.

If you feel adventurous, you can take a 5-hour hike through thick jungle and high bushes to get to the heart of Mount Palung.

Alternately, you can take a 6-hour motorboat ride or, for a one-of-a-kind experience, try the traditional boat ride that can take up to 8 hours.

Alternative Accesses:

  • From Pontianak to Ketapang by plane, 1.5 hours. Or by motor boat for 6-7 hours. Then proceed to Sukadana by four-wheel drive, 2 hours. From Sukadana to the Park: by longboat (bandong) up the Meliya River, about 4 hours.
  • From Pontianak to Teluk Batang by speedboat, 4 hours.  Then to Teluk Melano by motorcycle, about 1 hour.
  • From Pontianak to Teluk Melano by speedboat, 9-10 hours.

The condition of the infrastructure is getting better. Starting from highways, airports, trails, ports, bridges, stairs, even some places can be reached by toll roads.

We can visit by plane, car, ship, bus, motorcycle and bicycle. At some point, we can take the train. We can also walk freely.


In Mount Palung National Park The Habitat of the Orangutan, as technology getting better. We can easily find locations for mini markets, shops (warung kedai), Money Changer, ATMs, Bank BRI BCA BNI Mandiri, BTPN Bank Nagari BJB, supermarkets, and restaurants. So we will not starve or lack the necessary items.


Best time of year to visit: June to September.

Temperature: 25° – 35° C
Rainfall: 3,000 mm/year (on average)
Altitude: 900 – 1,116 m asl.
Geographical location: 109°54′ – 110°28′ E; 1°03′ – 1°22′ S

Some basic regulations issued by the management of Mount Palung:

  1. Visitors must report to or get permission from the Mount Palung National Park Office by submitting your legal identity documentation.
  2. Visitors must bring adequate equipment and logistics required during the trek.
  3. Visitors must be accompanied by a guide, when wishing to make a trek inside the national park.
  4. While you are within the area of the national park:
  • Do not remove any plants, animals, or other species from the park. Any type of vandalism is prohibited.
  • Visitors must carry back with them any inorganic waste from within the national park area. It is also prohibited to spoil or pollute rivers.
  • Visitors must not make loud noises that can disturb the surrounding habitat.
  • Tents may only be set up at designated areas, and the use of fire is limited to prevent fire hazards to the area.

If you are sick and need help, you can also visit clinics, drugstore pharmacies (apotek), practice doctors, hospitals, and health centers (puskesmas).

In this place we can also look for places of worship such as mosques, churches, and others.


Finding place to stay in Mount Palung National Park The Habitat of the Orangutan is very easy. We can stay at home stays, hotels, inns, hostels and other places.

To get lodging at a cheap and definitely comfortable price, please see below:

Experience and Reviews

There are already many visitors have visited Mount Palung National Park The Habitat of the Orangutan, there are many interesting stories that are told. Like feeling satisfied, happy, wanting to come again, sleep well, and almost no one is disappointed or complains to come here.

So, visitors will find out on how to find the best hotels, where is exactly located, why it is amazing, how much is the fare and rate, who are the people, whom to ask, and when is the best time to visit.

We can visit these tourist attractions from Tanjung Pinang, Tanjung Redep, Tanjung Selor, Tapak Tuan, Tarakan, Tarutung, Tasikmalaya, Muara Bungo, Muara Enim, Muara Teweh, Muaro Sijunjung, Muntilan, Nabire, Negara, Nganjuk,

That’s all the information we provided, hopefully useful.

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