Visiting Kutai National Park

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Tourism of Indonesia

Visiting Kutai National Park

Visiting Kutai National Park

Ready to Go to Kutai National Park

Planning to go on a tour or travelling, we definitely want a smooth trip, comfortable accommodation, cheap hotels, good food, cheap plane tickets, close to everywhere, and can rent a motorbike or car.


In Kutai National Park, there is natural beauty and unique culture of the local community. There are many uniqueness, starting from the village (desa), sub-district (kecamatan), district (kabupaten) and provincial levels.

In Indonesia, each province has different and interesting characteristics. Each province has a different and unique culture and lifestyle.

This amazing park represents a number of principal vegetation types, including coastal/mangrove forest, freshwater swamp forest, kerangas forest, lowland flooding forest, ulin/meranti/kapur forest, and mixed Dipterocarpaceae forest.

Moreover, Kutai National Park is also part of the largest relatively pristine ulin forest in Indonesia.

Among the plants that grow in this Park are mangrove (Bruguiera sp.), cemara laut (Casuarina equisetifolia), simpur (Dillenia sp.), meranti (Shorea sp.), benuang (Octomeles sumatrana), ulin (Eusideroxylon zwageri), kapur (Dryobalanops sp.), 3 species of rafflesia, and various orchid species.

An ulin tree in Sangkimah has a height without branches of 45 m, a diameter of 225 cm or a circle of 706 cm, and a volume of 150 m3. It is the highest and largest plant recorded in Indonesia.

As well as a variety of plants, this Park also has a high animal diversity. Primate groups like orangutan (Pongo satyrus), Mueller’s Bornean grey gibbon (Hylobates muelleri),

Also proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus), long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis fascicularis), maroon leaf monkey (Presbytis rubicunda rubicunda), white-fronted leaf monkey (P. frontata frontata),

And also pig-tailed macaque (Macaca nemestrina nemestrina), and slow loris (Nycticebus coucang borneanus) can be found in Teluk Kaba, Prevab-Mentoko and Sangkimah.

Ungulate groups like banteng (Bos javanicus lowi), sambar deer (Cervus unicolor brokei), barking deer (Muntiacus muntjak pleiharicus), and lesser Malay mouse deer (Tragulus javanicus klossi) can be found throughout the Park area.

Carnivore groups such as sun bear (Helarctos malayanus euryspilus) and flat-headed cat (Pardofelis planiceps) can be found in Teluk Kaba, Prevab-Mentoko and along the Bontang-Sangatta road.

Fowl groups that can be seen include the lesser adjutant stork (Leptoptilos javanicus), white-bellied sea eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster), green imperial pigeon (Ducula aenea), junglefowl (Gallus sp.), hill myna (Gracula religiosa), and oriental darter (Anhinga melanogaster melanogaster).

Teluk Kaba in Kutai National Park is the location of the nation’s third orangutan rehabilitation center.

Kutai National Park collaborates with “Friends of Kutai” like PT. Kaltim Prima Coal, PT. Pupuk Kaltim, PT. Badak LNG, Pertamina, some of the surrounding forest concessionaires (HPH), and others, who not only provide financial assistance but are also actively involved in nature conservation and the management of the Park.

The government is taking good care of the preservation of nature and maintaining the condition of the forest.

The environment is also well maintained.


Visiting Kutai National Park, we will witness routine community activities in unique traditional cultures. And there are special dishes and food as part of culinary tours that are delicious and yummy.

In this place there are also regular events or activities held every year, both national and international.

There are several interesting locations and attractions in Kutai National Park, such as:

  • In Kaba Bay and Muara Sangkimah: marine tourism and observing animals, especially orangutans, proboscis monkeys, sambar deer, lesser mouse deer, sun bears, and birds.
  • In Lombok Bay and Muara Sungai Sangatta: marine tours and observation of original mangrove forest.
  • In Prevab-Mentoko: research; watching animals such as sun bears, orangutans, lesser mouse deer , and wild pigs.
  • In Goa Lobang Angin: caving.
  • One of the cultural attractions outside the Park area is the Erau Festival, held in September in Tenggarong.


The journey to Kutai National Park is now very easy. We can enter through various modes of transportation.

The condition of the infrastructure is getting better. Starting from highways, airports, trails, ports, bridges, stairs, even some places can be reached by toll roads.

Access to go Kutai National Park:

  • From Balikpapan to Samarinda by car, 2.5 hours. Then From Samarinda Bontang by car, 3 hours. From Bontang to Teluk Kaba by speedboat, about 30 minutes. The main from Bontang to Sangatta road passes through the Park area.

We can visit by plane, car, ship, bus, motorcycle and bicycle. At some point, we can take the train. We can also walk freely.


In Kutai National Park, as technology getting better. We can easily find locations for mini markets, shops (warung kedai), ATMs, Bank BRI BCA BNI Mandiri, BTPN Bank Nagari BJB, supermarkets, and restaurants. So we will not starve or lack the necessary items.

Suggestion before visiting Kutai National Park:

  • Best time of year to visit: April to October.
  • Temperature: 27° – 33° C
  • Rainfall: 1,543 mm/annual (on average)
  • Altitude: 0 – 397 m asl.
  • Geographical location: 116°58′ – 117°36′ E; 0°08′ – 0°34′ N

If you are sick and need help, you can also visit clinics, drugstore pharmacies (apotek), practice doctors, hospitals, health centers (puskesmas).

In this place we can also look for places of worship such as mosques, churches, and others.


Finding place to stay in Kutai National Park is very easy. We can stay at homestays, hotels, inns, hostels and other places.

To get lodging at a cheap and definitely comfortable price, please see below:

Experience and Reviews

There are already many visitors have visited Kutai National Park, there are many interesting stories that are told. Like feeling satisfied, happy, wanting to come again, sleep well, and almost no one is disappointed or complains to come here.

So, visitors will find out on how to find the best hotels, where is exactly located, why it is amazing, how much is the fare and rate, who are the people, whom to ask, and when is the best time to visit.

We can visit these tourist attractions from Tanjung Pinang, Tanjung Redep, Tanjung Selor, Tapak Tuan, Tarakan, Tarutung, Tasikmalaya, Muara Bungo, Muara Enim, Muara Teweh, Muaro Sijunjung, Muntilan, Nabire, Negara, Nganjuk,

That’s all the information we provided, hopefully useful.